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Choose Your Torta

Toloquena Torta$10.40
Chorizo, huevo y queso fresco. Scrambled eggs with chorizo and cheese.
Costena Torta$10.40
Pierna, jamon, y quesillo. Ham, pork, and melted cheese.
Malquerida Torta$10.50
Pierna, salchicha, y queso Amarillo. Pork leg, franks, and American cheese.
Cementera Torta$10.50
Jamon, salchicha, y queso fresco. Ham, fresh milk cheese, and franks.
Gringa Torta$10.40
Salchicha, jamon y queso Amarillo. Ham, franks, and American cheese.
Colorada Torta$11.00
Chorizo, huevo, salchicha y quesillo. Scrambled eggs with chorizo, franks, and melted cheese.
Quebradita Torta$10.90
Milanesa, huevo, y quesillo. Breaded skirt steak, scrambled eggs, and cheese.
Tejana Torta$11.00
Chuleta ahumada, jamon, y quesillo. Smoked pork chop, ham, and melted oaxaca cheese.
Ingrata Torta$11.00
Jamon, chorizo, quesillo y queso Amarillo. Ham, America cheese, chorizo, and melted cheese.
Cuatrera Torta$11.00
Pierna, chorizo y quesillo. Pork leg, chorizo, and melted cheese.
Espanola Torta$10.90
Pierna, jamon, queso fresco y queso Amarillo. Fresh milk cheese, ham, American cheese and pork leg.
Guera Torta$11.00
Pollo, quesillo y extra aguacate. Chicken breast, melted cheese, and extra avocado.
Hawaiana Torta$11.60
Chuleta, jamon, quesillo y pina. Ham, pork chop, pineapple, and oaxaca cheese.
Suiza Torta$11.60
Queso amarillo, queso fresco, quesillo y jamon. Panela cheese, ham, American cheese, and melted cheese.
Abandonada Torta$11.70
Salchicha, milanesa, pierna y queso fresco. Franks, breaded skirt steak, pork, and cheese.
Chiva Torta$11.70
Pechuga de pollo, huevo, chorizo y quesillo. Chicken breast, scrambled eggs with chorizo, and cheese.
Chilanga Torta$11.70
Milanesa, salchicha, jamon y quesillo. Breaded skirt steak, ham, franks, and melted cheese.
Perrona Torta$11.70
Milanesa, pierna, jamon y quesillo. Ham, breaded skirt steak, pork leg, and melted cheese.
Borracha Torta$11.70
Bistec, jamon, quesillo y queso Amarillo. Ham, American cheese, steak, and melted cheese.
Huerfanita Torta$11.60
Bistec, chuleta Ahumada y quesillo. Steak, smoked pork chop, and melted cheese.
Nortena Torta$11.60
Chorizo, milanesa y quesillo. Chorizo, breaded skirt steak, and melted cheese.

Super Special Tortas

La Camelia Torta$13.50
Chuleta, jamon, salchicha, milanesa, queso fresco y quesillo. Ham, fresh milk cheese, fried steak, smoked pork chop, franks, and Oaxaca cheese.
Super Cubana Torta$13.50
Milanesa, pierna, quesillo, huevo, chorizo, salchicha, queso Amarillo y jamon. Ham, American cheese, fried steak, pork, franks, scrambled eggs, and chorizo.
Mi Tortuga Torta with 2 Ingredients$10.30
Build your own.
Mi Tortuga Torta with 3 Ingredients$11.00
Build your own.
Mi Tortuga Torta with 4 Ingredients$11.70
Build your own.

Tortas Facilotas

Milanesa y Quesito Torta$11.70
Asada y Quesito Torta$11.24
Chuleta y Quesito Torta$11.24
Pierna y Quesito Torta$10.70
Jamon y Quesito Torta$10.14
Chorizo y Quesito Torta$10.14
Salchicha y Quesito Torta$10.14

Coctel con Frutas

Coctel Salado$5.80
Chile piquin, sal y limon. Salted fruit bowl: topped with lemon, salt, and chili powder.
Coctel Dulce$6.80
Miel, chantilly y granola. Sweet fruit bowl: topped with whipped cream, granola, and honey.


Choco Flan$4.90


Aguitas Fresca$5.44
32 oz. con fruta natural elije: Limon, fresa, pepino, papaya, naranja, sandia, mango, melon, and pina. Freshwater: 32 oz. all-natural fruit drinks. Choose Lemon, strawberry, cucumber, papaya, orange, watermelon, mango, cantaloupe, pineapple, or orange.
Agua Loca Incluye$5.94
Fresh, pina y naranja. Crazy water includes: strawberry, pineapple, and orange.
Aguitas Preparadas
Horchata or jamaica. Rice cinnamon or hibiscus.
Sodas en Lata y Agua$1.95
Coca Cola, Sprite, Pepsi, Diet Coke, Sunkist, Dr Pepper, or bottle de agua.
Juguitos Naturales 20oz
Zanahoria, naranja, betabel, apio. Fresh squeezed juice: carrots, orange, beets or celery.
Juguitos Naturales Vampiro
Naranja, zanahoria, betabel, y apio. Orange, carrots, beets, and celery.
Hechos con fruta natural con leche, canela y vainilla, elije: Platano, fresa, papaya, chocolate, o mango. All-natural drinks made with milk, cinnamon, and vanilla. Choose from: banana, strawberry, papaya, chocolate, or mango.
Chescos Mexicanos$3.20
Coca Cola, sangria, manzanita sol, sidra, jarritos, fanta, agua mineral. Mexican pop: Coca Cola, sangria non-alcoholic, sidral, apple soda, jarritos, fanta, or sparkling water.